14 SEO Copywriting Tips to Impress Both Search Engines and Readers

14 SEO Copywriting Tips to Impress Both Search Engines and Readers

14 SEO Copywriting Tips to Impress Both Search Engines and Readers

Elegant Themes Posted on March 8, 2017 by in Tips & Tricks

SEO copywriting is an essential skill for anyone who wants to be successful online. It is the art and science of creating content that is loved by readers and search engines alike. Doing so is the key to rank high and convert well.

SEO copywriting is a relatively new field. In former times you were either an SEO specialist or copywriter. It’s only in recent years that SEO has gotten less technical and the importance of quality writing has gone up.

If you haven’t really dealt with this topic yet, don’t worry. Our SEO copywriting tips below will teach you all you need to know to get started. You will learn exactly what we understand under SEO copywriting and how you can start using it on your WordPress website.

Ready? Then let’s get going.


What is SEO Copywriting?


When trying to understand SEO copywriting, it helps to examine the two parts the word is made up of.

SEO, naturally, stands for search engine optimization. It is the method of optimizing your site and content to achieve high rankings in search engines.

Copywriting, on the other hand, is about the human side. A copywriter tries to find the right words and sentences to get visitors and readers to take a desired action. For that reason, to be an effective copywriter, you need to understand human psychology and have a keen insight into the audience you are writing for.

SEO copywriting combines these two disciplines in order to create compelling content that targets both search keywords and the hearts and minds of human readers. In order to do so, the discipline touches up the following elements:

Technical SEO — That means all technical aspects of search engine optimization. Includes proper markup, fast loading times and mobile friendliness.

Audience and keyword research — The bread and butter of SEOs. Finding out what people type into search engines, their intent and what else there is to know about them.

Content creation — Taking the knowledge gathered in the step before and turning it into high-quality, relevant, compelling content that readers will love.

On-page optimization — Putting the finishing touches to content to make sure search engines can understand what it’s about.

Clear so far? Then let’s see how to put this into practice. We will mostly concentrate on everything that deals with content creation as technical SEO is really the job of your theme (e.g. the Divi theme).

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