fiverr sellerrankingFirst, it is good to be back!

We took a bit longer of a vacation that originally planned.  Not sure it was deserved, but it was certainly fun!

Due to our traveling, a couple of things came up that I thought were worth talking about over the next few weeks.  The first had to do with Fiverr and deadlines.  Let’s knock that one off since it is a simple resolution.

One Way to Keep Your Seller Rating High on Fiverr

If you’re trying to make more money on Fiverr, it’s important that you keep your Seller Rating high- right, we all  know that.   When buyers check out the gigs available, they’ll always see if they can find a person with a great Seller Rating and lots of positive feedback.

But there are times when your seller rating can be affected negatively without you even doing anything wrong. If a customer orders a gig from you and you’re going to miss the delivery deadline time, your Seller Rating will take a negative hit with a big Thumbs Down. This is still true even if the buyer leaves brilliantly positive feedback. The buyer often does not insist on the deadline and through communication expects the delay.  However, the Seller Rating is all about you delivering your gig on time per your agreement. (more…)

Understanding how performance reporting works in AdSense and how you can use those reports to your advantage

Understanding how performance reporting works in AdSense and how you can use those reports to your advantage

Understanding how performance reporting works in AdSense and how you can use those reports to your advantage

Your performance reports generated from within AdSense are only a great tool if you know how to use them. Most marketers make the mistake of not attaching enough importance to these reports and yet they keep saying that the key to any successful AdSense campaign is testing and tracking. To test and track your progress and save the data in understandable chunks for later access is imperative to tracking your business’s progress.


The three most important features of these reports are:

  1. The ability to chart and graph any aspect of your AdSense campaign using multiple metric options to fine-tune these.
  2. The ability to segment your data as much and as minutely as you like.
  3. The feature to save reports generated over a certain period of time. These are a great way to set previous performance and achievements; and then measure them against your growth data.

Here are some of the tools you should explore and use to generate reports from your AdSense account:

Data Breakdowns:

This feature gives you the ability to segment your data into several smaller units. Those units are more applicable to your business model. You can segment the data based on time, URL channels, sites, ad units, ad types, ad sizes, products, bid types, placement targeting, contextual targeting, countries, platforms and ad networks. So you see, you have to ability to micro segment any part of your business to track its performance over any period of time. Now that is what I call invaluable.

Customization and Saving Reports:

You have the ability to customize reports and save template reports. You will then have the ability to use the “default” or template reports to generate scheduled reports for you. This means you just have to set up report segmentation once and can call it later at any time to fill out more results or data.

Graph and Charts:

There are a number of different kinds of charts or graphs you can generate. But that’s not all; you can choose the metrics that measure your graphs. You can set these metrics according to your businesses’ volume. Bigger businesses will need smaller metrics where as smaller business reports will generate better reports with larger metrics. You have to the option to save your graph templates within the reports so that you have to set the metric parameters only once.

Want to learn more? Download a free report named Adsense Domination or check our eBook Adsense Cash Bonanza !


Adwords Master Plan

Adwords Master Plan

Did you know that PPC marketing still offers the best opportunities to reach out to your target audience? You have the power to get your ad right in front of people who are searching for exactly what you’re promoting.

Yet so many online business owners struggle to get any real results from PPC marketing at all.

If you knew you could get thousands of highly targeted visitors reading your ad every day and visiting your site to find out more, would that improve your sales?

It really is possible to leverage PPC marketing to your advantage very easily – as long as you know the right strategies to follow.

That’s where the majority of marketers fail. They tend to jump into the deep end with their marketing efforts and then flounder around until they give up.

Don’t let this happen to your marketing efforts. Take the time to really learn how to harness the power behind PPC marketing and you could launch your business to the next level.

There are plenty more PPC marketing tips available to help you get started on the right foot. You can find them here: Adwords Master Plan. (more…)

Affiliate Marketing – things to avoid.

Affiliate Marketing – things to avoid.

AffiliateIt is true that just about anyone can achieve success with affiliate programs, however, not everyone manages to. If that sounds like you, you could be hindered by mistakes which are commonly made in affiliate marketing. Knowing what those mistakes are and how you can avoid them is essential to developing a prosperous business. I can’t cover them all, but here are some basics and common issues I find.

Let’s start with a very common one:” I have FIVE websites and none of them are making me any money!”

If you review why you’re not making any money, it just might turn out that it is because you’re spreading yourself too thin.

In my experience, I’ve never had success getting more than one website to work for me at a time, especially if I’ve yet to get the “1st” website making money before the “2nd” one. (more…)

Look….a Playbook to Write Your eBook

Look….a Playbook to Write Your eBook

I have received numerous questions on how I put together all the eBooks that I provide.  It seems like a daunting task, but let’s unpack the process and start…. well, at the beginning.

The hardest part of writing is the first sentence.  When you look at the whole project, it seems like an impossible task. That’s why you have to break it down into manageable tasks. Think of climbing a mountain.  You are standing at the foot of it and looking up at its summit vanishing into the clouds. How can you possibly scale such an immense and dangerous mountain?

There is only one way to climb a mountain? Step by step.

Now think of writing your eBook in the same light. You must create it step by step, and one day, you will take that last step and find yourself standing on the summit with your head in the clouds.

The first thing you have to do, as if you actually were a mountain climber, is to get organized. Instead of climbing gear, however, you must organize your thoughts. There are some steps you should take before you begin. Once you’ve gone through the following list, you will be ready to actually begin writing your eBook.

Beginning Steps to Writing an eBook.

First, figure out your eBook’s working title. Jot down a few different titles, and eventually, you’ll find that one that will grow on you. Titles help you to focus your writing on your topic; they guide you in anticipating and answering your reader’s queries. Many non-fiction books also have subtitles. Aim for clarity in your titles, but cleverness always helps to sell books, as long as it’s not too cute. For example,

Remedies for Insomnia: Twenty different ways to count sheep. Or: Get off that couch: Fifteen exercise plans to whip you into shape.

Next, write out a thesis statement. Your thesis is a sentence or two stating exactly what problem you are addressing and how your book will solve that problem.

All chapters spring forth from your thesis statement. Once you’ve got your thesis statement fine-tuned, you’ve built your foundation. From that foundation, your book will grow, chapter by chapter.

Your thesis will keep you focused while you write your eBook. Remember: all chapters must support your thesis statement. If they don’t, they don’t belong in your book. For example, your thesis statement could read: We’ve all experienced insomnia at times in our lives, but there are twenty proven techniques and methods to give you back a good night’s sleep.

Once you have your thesis, before you start to write, make sure there is a good reason to write your book.

Ask yourself some questions:

  • Does your book present useful information and is that information currently relevant?
  • Will you book positively affect the lives of your readers?
  • Is your book dynamic and will it keep the reader’s attention?
  • Does you book answer questions that are meaningful and significant?

If you can answer yes to these questions, you can feel confident about the potential of your eBook.

Another important step is to figure out who your target audience is. It is this group of people you will be writing to, and this group will dictate many elements of your book, such as style, tone, diction, and even length. Figure out the age range of your readers, their general gender, what they are most interested in, and even the socio-economic group they primarily come from. Are they people who read fashion magazines or book reviews? Do they write letters in longhand or spend hours every day online. The more you can pin down your target audience, the easier it will be to write your book for them.

Next, make a list of the reasons you are writing your eBook. Do you want to promote your business? Do you want to bring quality traffic to your website? Do you want to enhance your reputation?

Then write down your goals in terms of publishing. Do you want to sell it as a product on your website, or do you want to offer it as a free gift for filling out a survey or for ordering a product? Do you want to use the chapters to create an e-course, or use your eBook to attract affiliates around the world? The more you know upfront, the easier the actual writing will be.

Decide on the format of your chapters. In non-fiction, keep the format from chapter to chapter fairly consistent. Perhaps you plan to use an introduction to your chapter topic, and then divide it into four subhead topics. Or you may plan to divide it into five parts, each one beginning with a relevant anecdote.

How to make your eBook “user friendly”.   You must figure out how to keep your writing engaging. Often anecdotes, testimonials, little stories, photos, graphs, advice, and tips will keep the reader turning the pages. Sidebars are useful for quick, accessible information, and they break up the density of the page.

Write with a casual, conversational tone rather than a formal tone such as textbook diction. Readers respond to the feeling that you are having a conversation with them. Break up the length and structure of your sentences so you don’t hypnotize your readers into sleep. Sentences that are all the same length and structure tend to be a good aid for insomnia!

Good writing takes practice. It takes lots and lots of practice. Make a schedule to write at least a page a day. Read books and magazines about the process of writing, and jot down tips that jump out at you. The art of writing is a lifetime process; the more you write (and read), the better your writing will become. The better your writing becomes, the bigger your sales figures.

In an eBook that is read on the screen, be aware that you must give your reader’s eye a break. You can do this by utilizing white space. In art classes, white space is usually referred to as “negative space.”  Reader’s eyes need to rest in the cool white oasis’s you create on your page. If your page is too dense, your reader will quit out of it as soon as their eyes begin to tear.

Make use of lists, both bulleted and numbered. This makes your information easy to absorb, and gives the reader a mental break from dissecting your paragraphs one after the other.

Finally, decide on an easy-to-read design. Find a font that’s easy on the eyes, and stick to that font family. Using dozens of fonts will only tire your readers out before they’ve gotten past your introduction. Use at least one and a half line spacing, and text large enough to be read easily on the screen, but small enough so that the whole page can be seen on a computer screen. You will have to experiment with this to find the right combination.

Of course, don’t forget to run a spell and grammar check. You are judged by something as minor as correct punctuation, so don’t mess up a great book by tossing out semicolons randomly, or stringing sentences together with commas. (By the way, that’s called a “comma splice.”)

Last of all; create an index and a bibliography. That’s it! You’ve written a book! Now all you have to do is publish your eBook online, and wait for download request from your website visitors.


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Why Nobody Likes Your (Written) Blog

Why Nobody Likes Your (Written) Blog

VlogWhy Nobody Likes Your Blog

As is evidenced by the massive amount of video content uploaded to YouTube every minute, Internet users have become more engaged by video than ever before. And while YouTube was launched in 2004, it did not explode in popularity until some time after 2008. The main reason for this was because most computers were not fast enough to keep up with live video; it demanded too many of the computers resources. This, in turn, made video playback a painful process. Videos were slow to load and the quality was rarely very good.

Fast forward a few years and things have changed dramatically. All but the cheapest computers on the market have processing chips capable of handling high-definition video. More importantly, virtually everyone has access to high-speed Internet, which is equally important to consuming high quality video content. As technology has shifted, the combination of powerful chips and high-speed Internet has led web surfers to consume more and more video content than ever before. And regardless of whether you think this is a good or bad thing, the increase in video consumption has led to a decrease in text consumption. (more…)

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