Blog Consulting


Blog Consulting

If you are an Entrepreneur or want to be an internet marketer why blog?

To make money.

What are the ways that you can make money with blogs?  Plenty. To start with, if you are a good writer with good knowledge of your topics, it can be anything, then you should blog for money.

Here are some of the popular ways you can make money with blogs:

  • Contextual Ads (Adsense, Chikita etc.)
  • Affiliate programs
  • CPA programs
  • Advertisements on your blog
  • Selling the blog for cash (site flipping)
  • Selling links to other websites and blogs.

As you can see there are plenty of avenues to make money with your blogs.

Website promotion

You can use the blog to leverage on your blog marketing strategy and gain speedier “Search Engine Positioning” and ranking.  You just need to know how to create a blog properly with all the on- page and off -page strategies in place.

Although blog marketing may look simple, trust me it is not a lay down hand.  There can be a lot of manual work involved.

Here are the essential steps in blog marketing:

  • Create a blog
  • Blog writing and blog content
  • Blog promotion
  • Analysis and metrics
  • Blog maintenance (Blog comments, hosting and server management).

You certainly can do all of them yourself, then but there are other options.

  • Automate
  • Outsource

Let’s focus on automation. Tools are a BIG part of your Blog Marketing.

Automate the following components of your blog marketing strategy:

  • Creating a blog
  • Blog content
  • Blog promotion
  • Analysis and metrics

What if you do not want to automate? You want to create your blog manually. It is really no problem.

The 2 most common blogging platforms are: Google’s Blogger and WordPress. They come with free hosting.  But the downside to it is that, you do not have any control. You can also lose your hard earned traffic, if they ban you from accessing the blog for some reason.

Always host your own blogs and websites. That way at least you have control over them.

I won’t go into the details here but review the Web Site design section on WordPress and the WordPress Training video.


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